FIA - Forum International des Affaires 2021 * 15-16-17 march, 2021 * DIGITAL EDITION

A new on-line experience with this edition of the FIA, the International business forum organized by the occitanie region. Participants need to subscribe with the AD’OCC development agency to see the profile of the producers and ask for a meeting. Four samples from each producer can be send prior to the show. Should you want to participate, please contact Eva to the following contact details: - AD'OCC, l'agence de développement régionale occitanie, Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Site de Montpellier - 3 840 Avenue Georges Frêche - CS 10012 - 34477 PEROLS CEDEX - France. Tél. 33 (0)4 67 22 84 13.


25 Mai 2022

It is that time again !

The 2021 vintage of the red Amuse-Bouche is F...
